Martes, Marso 6, 2012

III.Wrirting in Discipline as a Platform in Education Sustainable Development

              Writing in discipline is the development of research skills through the preparation of an intelligent research paper. Further, it deals with the latest trends and new discoveries with good models to the course discusses the principles and practice of the kinds of writing required for college students like us as part of their training for professional work. The students gain knowledge on the fundamentals of composition, the elements of technical writing and skills in preparing a research study that helps  stimulate a disciplined flow of thought in writing.
              Writing is the best way to express our emotions. People living in these world uses English language as a media of communication.Writing is the first step in improving knowledge and skills in learning English language.I think that Filipino students should be trained in writing English language in  a correct manner because I believe that English language can help everyone of us to become more productive in our  modern society  today and also to the future generations.

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